Creative Lead at Snapchat
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Snapchat Campaigns



Uber Eats (Fr):
Get rid of Fred Livraison


“Fred Livraison” translates to “Delivery Fees” in this Uber Eats campaign where the character, Fred, is the literal human embodiment of delivery fees.

We encouraged people to try to get rid of Fred in an AR game of whack-a-mole, with the final message encouraging them to get Uber One, the only way to truly get rid of Fred.


Feed your Christmas spirt

To launch Tesco’s holiday platform; ‘Feed your Christmas spirit” on Snapchat, we built an AR Lens that literally feeds Snapchatters Christmas spirits. Inviting them to take a bite of a gingerbread man to turn them, and their world, into gingerbread. 


Countdown to Christmas

The task was to showcase the breadth of content available on Disney+ throughout the Christmas holiday’s.

For the first time ever on the platform, we created a 7 day takeover of Snapchat, counting down to Christmas Day. Each day featured a new title with it’s own unique AR experience.


Back to the gym feels

To motivate people back to the gym in January, we created a perpetual loop of positivity. Every time Snapchatters opened their mouths, they went into hyper-speed and motivational words cheered them on.


The Gym Group: Gymhead

We invited people to share their January gym routine, with their head transformed into a giant kettlebell.